Crowd-Sourcing Madness
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A rich critique from a poetical military point of view.
Trump as a media creation.
The civil rights movement produced many unexpected problems, and it’s unclear how they’re to be solved.
An unsurprisingly risk-free analysis of the current situation.
The need for heroic martyrdom from a conservative Christian point of view.
An acute contrarian debunks the herd of independent mind's pretensions.
Houellebecq holds out some hope, but only for a few.
Why Patricia Churchland's is an unsuccessful account of conscience.
A merciless dissection of Zinn the historian.
The film shows the deep problems with liberalism in spite of itself.
A mixed history owing to nationalist bias.
Why the U.S. is losing the art of war.
A proper skewering of a dreadful book.
Peter Hitchens punctures the rosy illusions about World War II.
How to get America back on track according to Michael Anton.
Solzhenitsyn had mixed views on America.
A critical look at John Marini’s work on the origins and growth of the American administrative state
Jennifer Reeser on Spear's highly wrought and moving volume of verse.