The Agonist Journal

Spring Blooms as I lay in the Grass

It is of a slow beauty that I speak:

Yet I refuse to hold my eye to the steady mark of the greenest blades of grass.

For numb though the seedlings are, and lipless,

Their meanings fall from other mouths,

And theirs are sculpted words:

Fearful and beautiful spears,

loosed in song

guttural and choral

symphonies of glad-handed raggery

rent always from scarcity

Yet trailing in the white skeins of space,

on the rippling grasses,

A hollowing out aids this slow show of whispery adepts of motion,

And lengthy staves of green flesh clutch hungrily my face,

And the light

It breaks into me in sweltering threads of heavy memory,

And this is the reverie

Of Recollection.

Breathlessness in the Anthropocene

The air thickens as heartbeats thicken:

In clusters, and falling in numbers,

With the stale movement from tick to stopped clock,

Its motion that of mercury chambers and barometers,

Magnets, steam, and anvils of burnt stone,

Valves, and tubes, and pressure gauges,

Hissing, insistently, measuring both the within and the winsome without

That lies alluringly, like a bedded consumptive, their flower fallen flush, plush

As a rose in its ethereal pungency,

Like starlings too, sturnidae: an iridescent backdrop for the complexity

A framing begat even by—just—standing still, through third laws, and cleft right hands at the tiller-

This is true of the ivy too,

And so much else.

Whittling us in its embrace,

And as each moment accelerates and slows,

Weighty with the gravity of being,

Fulsomely, wantonly

In gulps, and gasps-

I yearn for air.


Spread like thinning butter,

Hearts, reified cognition,

Linearity has stolen death from us.

Yet meaning is succinct,

Etchings in a complex choral unity:

A wilderness.

Thus alike are the pulsar and the swan.

They flare rhythmically,

Gnawing on the detritus of an ocean of stars.

Yet we keep segments of time,

In order to step outside ourselves,

So our footsteps can become tantamount to morality,

And our flight a recapitulation of the holiest sin